Looking for the best dentist Portland? Welcome to Bling Dental! Our cosmetic dentists will help you straighten your smile in the fastest and most discreet way.

Bling Dental is a leading Cosmetic Dentist in Portland, OR focusing on improving smiles using Invisalign, Teeth Whitening, Dental Implants, and Veneers.

Korrin Mohr, RDH 

Position: Registered Dental Hygienist 

What got you started in the dental field? When I was young, my dental hygienist was welcoming and friendly. She inspired me to value my oral health. I want to do the same for others. 

If I won the lottery tomorrow, what would my first purchase be? A beach house. Going to the beach is my favorite. 

Cats or dogs? Dogs. They make me feel loved and needed. 

Something on my bucket list is… Backpacking the Enchantments (Washington) 

